The Business of Religion Being a Preacher Profiteer is just like any other business - it helps if you understand your customers and your market And much like the business of war, the business of religion is as primal. as. it. Gets.
Since the days of our ancestors fearing mother nature - fearing and believing a higher power or divinity has been a part of what makes humans, human. And as the famous historian and philosopher Will Durant puts it, religion “gives man a belief that will enable him to tolerate life”
THIS. Is the business we’re in. We’re not selling sermons, We’re not selling church choirs No, no, no. We’re in the business of selling hope. Selling salvation. Selling community. Selling the ability to tolerate the difficulties of life.
And when you’re viewed as the benevolent authority on hope, the afterlife, salvation, you’re customers are gonna take you pretty seriously