The Watchers are Fallen Angels. The Watchers cohabited with human women and fell from God’s grace. Watchers are also referred to as SONS OF GOD. Their monstrous offspring, the Nephilim, and the corruption the Watchers created on Earth so revolted God that he decided to send the great flood to destroy all life on Earth. The cohabitation of the Sons of God and the daughters of men are briefly described in Genesis 6:1–4.
Watchers also describe Angels who do not fall but who are close to the throne of God, thus causing some confusion as to whether they are good or bad. 1 Enoch tells in detail the story of the Watchers and their fall. The Watchers described as angels who are “the children of heaven,” see the beautiful daughters of men and desire them.
They decide to take them as wives. But their leader, SEMYAZA, expresses the fear that he alone will be held accountable for this great sin. The angels, who are 200 in number, swear an oath binding them all together. Their chiefs (called chiefs of tens) who serve under Semyaza are Arakeb, Rameel, Tamil, Ramel, Danel, Ezeqel, Baraqyal, Asel, Armaros, Batrel, Ananel, Zaqeel, Sasomaspweel, Kestarel, Turel, Yamayol, and Arazyal.
The Watchers descend to Earth and take the women. Many of them commit adultery against their new wives. Their offspring, the giant Nephilim, turn against people, cannibalize them, and drink their blood. The Watchers teach people secret arts such as magical medicine, incantations, and knowledge of plants and herbs. AZAZEL teaches the art of making weapons of war, jewelry, and cosmetics, and dye-making, and alchemy. Amasras teaches plant lore and how to perform magic. Baraqiyal teaches astrology, Kokarerel teaches the zodiac, Tamel teaches about the stars, and Asderel teaches about the Moon and the deception of humans.